CCLC Annual Sponsorship
E-Newsletter Advertisement
Distributed 4 times per year to an audience of over 1000 landscape professionals in the mid-Atlantic
Promotional Listing on CCLC Website
Including your company logo, website link, and short company description
Mention at CBLP & CCLC Training and Events
Recognition at CCLC and Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) events (CBLP Level 1 and 2 training, Field Days, Workshops, and Social Events)
Thank you to our sponsors!
Turning a New Leaf Conference Sponsorship
Turning A New Leaf is a biennial one-day conference, held in odd-numbered years, that focuses on innovative practices to improve the Chesapeake Bay through conservation landscaping.
The conference targets landscape architects, designers, and contractors, horticulturists, arborists and tree care companies, lawn care companies, nurseries (wholesale and retail), botanical gardens, natural resource managers, developers, civil engineers, planners, master gardeners, master naturalists, master watershed stewards, and other related professionals.
Conference Sponsorship Levels Available
Platinum Leaf
Gold Leaf
Silver Leaf
Bronze Leaf
Green Leaf
Conference verbal recognition
Logo on conference packet
Advertisement in program
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Vendor Booth
Complimentary conference registration
Website listing