Planting It Forward With “Scotty Scholars”

Blogger Shereen Hughes November 14th 2023     A year ago, in October 2022, we lost an amazing Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP), Scotty Guinn Dilworth. Scotty practiced what we preach at CCLC. She utilized the Eight Essential Elements of Conservation Landscaping long before becoming a certified CBLP. Scotty designed beautiful conservation landscapes and utilized…


From Agriculture to Stormwater: Soil and Water Conservation Districts Train on Green Infrastructure

July 1, 2024 By Blair Blanchette, Virginia Conservation Assistance Program Coordinator, Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts   “What we’re going to look for is the spread, right? And disappearance.” Dave Hirschman says as two technicians pour water over a paver-covered parking area.    Air bubbles up at the seams between pavers. The…


Smart Salting Enhanced Winter Maintenance Training: We Didn’t Know What We Didn’t Know

March 19th 2024 By Jason Swope     One of the most interesting aspects of landscape maintenance is that there is always something more to learn, and I think this is truer today than when I first started in the industry thirty years ago.  Conservation landscaping and green stormwater infrastructure wasn’t something that I was…


Stormwater BMP Maintenance Plans — Notes From The Bush

Many stormwater BMPs start with diverse planting palettes (left side) only to succumb after several years of shaginess to “maintenance by weed-whacker” (right side). PH: Dave Hirschman   February 6, 2024 Maintenance, it seems, is always on our minds, and also frequently discussed in training here at CCLC, so we were excited to hear that…
