Hometown Habitat Update (Fall 2014)

Thanksgiving is nearly upon us and the Hometown Habitat team is so thankful for our followers and supporters! Educating people to include native plants in their landscapes is our mission. Hometown Habitat is a big project and as independent filmmakers, we simply can’t make this film without raising money for the production costs. Please join our team and make a tax-deductible contribution at chesapeakelandscape.org/hometown-habitat. We need you!

Each of the stories we are traveling to tell highlights people or organizations who are using native plants to heal and return balance and diversity to ecosystems in their hometowns. We call them Habitat Heroes. Take a look at some of those Heroes!

Plans for People's Garden at USDA headquarters in Washington, D.C.. Photo courtesy of Chesapeake Bay Program/flickr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/29388462@N06/5149147775/)

Funding Received for Landscape Professional Certification!

CCLC is pleased and excited to announce that our Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification Initiative has received funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundatio. With this grant, we will develop and pilot the certification in Maryland and Virginia while partnering with Wetlands Watch, Virginia DGIF and University of Maryland Sea Grant Extension. Once the piloting is complete, the goal is to expand the certification Bay-wide and statewide, with a self-financing, market driven certification program managed and administered by a Consortium.
