Evensong on Indian River

  Location: Chesapeake VA 23325 Partners Involved: Elizabeth RIver Project, Friends of Indian River, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Type of Buffer: Urban Submitted by: Lynn Hancock Gilbert     Riparian buffers are just as important in brackish and salt water environments as in freshwater rivers and streams. Evensong on Indian River in Chesapeake, Virginia provides an…


Riparian Rangers

Location: Multiple counties within south central and south eastern PA Partners Involved: Juniata County Conservation District, York County Conservation District Type of Buffer: Volunteer program working on urban, residential, and agricultural land Summitted by: Rebecca Lauver     Riparian Rangers is an Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay project that provides much-needed maintenance support on newly…


Open Land Turns into Mini Forest

Location: Nelson County, VA Partners Involved: James River Association & Conservation Services, Inc. Type of Buffer: Rural Residential Submitted by: Anne Marie Roberts     Collaborating partners the James River Association, the Virginia Department of Forestry and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation are working across the Upper and Middle James Watershed, through the James River Buffer…
